First semester reported the highest passenger traffic in the management of AERIS at Juan Santamaría International Airport.
- From January 1 to June 30, 2023, between inbound and outbound, 2,878,884 passengers transited through the country’s main air terminal.
August, 2023. In the 14 years of AERIS, as the interested manager of Juan Santamaría International Airport, the most successful first semester in terms of the number of passengers (contemplates inbound and outbound) has been 2023, with 2,878,884 passengers, representing an increase of 5.3% versus 2019 and 23.1% versus 2022.
“These excellent results of the first half of the year are a reflection of the excellent management that the country has made as a destination of multiple experiences, mainly through the ICT, but also of all the State institutions that support airport management. In AERIS, as managers of the Juan Santamaria International Airport and the main gateway in and out of the country we will continue to support this growth management and making AIJS the gateway to Costa Rica’s PURA VIDA experiences,” said Ricardo Hernandez, executive director of AERIS.
The connectivity that AIJS has is the main work that both AERIS and the ICT with the support of the General Directorate of Civil Aviation (DGAC) has allowed both international tourists to travel to Costa Rica more easily, as well as Costa Ricans to travel to the destinations of their choice.
“To date, AIJS is served by 25 airlines reaching 35 destinations, thus facilitating connectivity to the world. For this second semester, and with the objective of continuing to strengthen our relationships with airlines, expand the supply of destinations and frequencies, we will participate in various industry events and meetings with them,” said Erick Barboza, director of Business Development of AERIS.
Passenger profile. This connectivity and selection of destinations to offer is largely due to the knowledge of the preferences, needs and general profile of those who travel through the AIJS.
In the analysis conducted by AERIS, post-pandemic, an increase of travelers of the millennial generation (42%) and generation X (30%) has been observed, with increases of 6% and 3% respectively compared to 2019.
Likewise, the arrival of passengers from North America continues, whose main reason for visiting the country is for vacation purposes (71%), with a predominance of passengers seeking sun and beach, adventure, cultural and ecological tourism; a behavior that is repeated in passengers from Europe and other regions.
About AERIS Costa Rica
AERIS HOLDING COSTA RICA is a company of the CCR Group, which operates under the management model interested in the Juan Santamaría International Airport (AIJS), being in charge of its operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, construction, financing and promotion.
The company seeks to exceed the expectations of its stakeholder management contract in a transversal manner to sustainability, generating social, environmental and economic value. AERIS is committed to providing a “Pura Vida” travel experience for passengers transiting through the main gateway to the country and to generate positive impact to Costa Rica and its stakeholders.
AERIS draws on the experience of its parent companies: HAS Development Corporation and Grupo CCR of Brazil, the latter as the main shareholder and with stakes in the international airports of Quito Ecuador, Curacao and Belo Horizonte in Brazil.
It currently connects Costa Rica with 36 destinations around the world, through 25 international commercial airlines and two domestic airlines that operate in its facilities.