- This figure was identified as part of the 2,150 trips made last year by the AERIS Wildlife Control Program.
- The relocation of fauna is another of the tasks of this specialized team to safeguard the life of the species and the continuity of operations.
May, 2023. A total of 14,539 animals of 65 different species were observed in 2022 as part of the inspections carried out by the wildlife control team, which are distributed in runway inspections, internal and external perimeter inspections, in addition to tours of nearby livestock establishments, these activities are part of the Wildlife Control Program of Juan Santamaría International Airport (AIJS).
“The Wildlife Control Program has a mobile adapted for the exclusive use of wildlife monitoring in the vicinity of the airport. In the program’s annual report, it was reported that, for example, the species most frequently encountered and relocated are garrobos (Ctenosaura similis) and foxes (Didelphis marsupialis), accounting for more than 50% of the total number of species captured. Raccoons are a species whose captures are decreasing,” commented Juan Belliard, Operations Director of AERIS, the interested manager of Costa Rica’s main air terminal.
Likewise, in 2022, 140 wildlife events were reported, of which 106 were collections and 34 events were reported with aircraft.
Avoiding wildlife in the vicinity of the terminal is vital, since otherwise there is a risk of wildlife colliding with an aircraft, which could cause an accident due to damage to the aircraft, as well as damage to an animal. In order to mitigate these potential impacts and ensure the safety of air operations, AERIS has this robust Wildlife Control Program.
“The team’s tasks consist mainly of monitoring, improvements in areas identified as problematic (including pruning trees, closing burrows, placing spikes to prevent birds from roosting near maneuvering areas, eliminating water bodies, etc.), sightings, laser and pyrotechnics dispersal, as well as trapping and coordination with government agencies to minimize wildlife attraction sites,” Belliard added.Other actions. In order to avoid incidents with different species, fauna is captured and relocated. In 2022, 160 animals were collected and subsequently relocated to points previously coordinated with the competent authorities.
In 2022, a total of 9,169 animals were removed by means of laser and pyrotechnics, primarily species that represent a greater risk due to their weight and possible impact on aircraft.
In addition, inspections were carried out at eight establishments such as slaughterhouses, swine plants, agro-industrial plants and cooperatives, with the aim of minimizing or eliminating wildlife attractants in the vicinity of AIJS.
“We also worked on prevention. We conducted a study of the arthropod communities present in the AIJS, which revealed that some insect groups have a direct relationship with high-risk birds as their food source. With these inputs, we can take eventual measures such as the implementation of environments with good drainage systems to avoid stagnant water and places with high humidity, as well as the elimination of weeds and grasses that attract these insects,” Belliard explained.
Likewise, this is the first air terminal in the country to declare itself “Bee Friendly” in 2021, which implies different actions such as the creation of a temporary shelter for these animals.
In celebration of the 3 years of this declaration and in anticipation of World Bee Day, this past Friday, May 19, an internal activity was held in which participants were given gifts of products based on products from the shelter, such as fizzy nectar with bee honey, lip balm with wax and bee honey, facial moisturizing cream with virgin operculum wax and solid cream with aged wax.
Working together. The success of this program also lies in the coordination with different authorities. For example, we work with SENASA, the Ministry of Health, municipalities and the Directorate General of Civil Aviation for the identification and due process corresponding to clandestine dumps, awareness of waste management in communities and non-compliance with the procedures established by law in establishments near the airport.
We also worked with the Benemérito Cuerpo de Bomberos, with whom last year, together with a certified beekeeper, 12 swarms of bees were rescued and 3 groups of wasps were removed.
In conjunction with the Asociación Nacional Protectora de Animales, a spay/neuter campaign was carried out in the community of El Coco de Alajuela, in which 83 spay/neuter procedures were performed on dogs and cats. In addition, we organized “Super Dueños Responsables” training for children from the León Cortés Castro school.
About AERIS Costa Rica
AERIS HOLDING COSTA RICA is a company of the CCR Group, which operates under the management model interested in the Juan Santamaría International Airport (AIJS), being in charge of its operation, maintenance, rehabilitation, construction, financing and promotion.
The company seeks to exceed the expectations of its stakeholder management contract in a transversal manner to sustainability, generating social, environmental and economic value. AERIS is committed to providing a “Pura Vida” travel experience for passengers transiting through the main gateway to the country and to generate positive impact to Costa Rica and its stakeholders.
AERIS draws on the experience of its parent companies: HAS Development Corporation and Grupo CCR of Brazil, the latter as the main shareholder and with stakes in the international airports of Quito Ecuador, Curacao and Belo Horizonte in Brazil.
It currently connects Costa Rica with 36 destinations around the world, through 25 international commercial airlines and two domestic airlines that operate in its facilities.